Wednesday, November 12, 2008

my topic is video games and wrestling. i already started searching for articles on newspaper and magazins that is relevent to my topic. so far i have been doing well, i haven't faced any problems yet. anything i found online i always print it out and safe it to go through it and also to cite it as a reference if i used any of the information in it. i hope i wont face any problems working on this assignment.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The final assignment for ENG101 will be a ten to twelve pages long about video games. I have to come up with a topic, then start my research in books, magazines and online to find out anything that is relevant to the topic I have chosen. So far I am still a little confused, which topic should I pick. As of now I have tow topics in mind, the first one, is video games and children, the second is video games and sport. Since video games and children is a broaden topic I would rather pick the second option. I am not into games, I never was and I hope I won’t be. I am afraid I might end up being a game freak because my little brother Sami is a video games lover. I really do not want to go that far. But, he will be a good source to go back to and ask if I have any questions regarding video games.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First of all, i got there late, instead of getting off on 42nd time square, i got off on 34th ST. Anyway, i walked up to where i was uspposed to meet up with the rest of the class.(toys r us). Unfortunately, by the time i got there Dr. smith, had gone. i wanted to ask him a couple of quetions: like is there specific thing we are suppose to look for ? or it is just a tripe to have a general idea about video games. I had no choice but to walk in and look around the place. i njoyed the trip but, i didn't know what exactly i was suppose to look for. i will double check with the Dr.Smith in class, i might have to go back to toys r us again.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

gee article

well, so far i have learned a lot from this cluster class, such as, my writing has improved because of all the writing and the rewrite papers. also, the writing center was very helpful too. my research skills has improved because i learned how to use the online search for books, articles and documents. i just did my power point presentation by myself, something i just learned in this cluster class, it came out well too. i am just trying to keep up with my semester plan, do my work on time, visit the writing center and pay attention in class. the only challenges i was expecting was standing in front of the class and do my presentation but, since i am done with it, i do not expect any challenges as long as i continued doing what am doing the way i planned.

gee article

I have read the Gee article and I think it is impractical. Because games and school are two different fields, therefore, they are incomparable. In addition I do not think there is anything good you could learn from games, unless it is one of those vocabulary learning games, such as ‘Free Rice Game’ other than that it is nothing but a waste of time. I am sure none would mind spending hours playing Nintendo game, yet unwilling to spend quarter of that time reading or writing unless they have to. Games have good principles too, but it was not listed on the Gee article; here is what I think the good principles of the games are1-games were made to kill your free time.2-games are nothing but a relaxing tool.3-games are harmless.Therefore, I do not think that there is anything you can learn from a game, but playing it.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Gee Article

I have read the Gee article and I think it is impractical. Because games and school are two different fields, therefore, they are incomparable. In addition I do not think there is anything good you could learn from games, unless it is one of those vocabulary learning games, such as ‘Free Rice Game’ other than that it is nothing but a waste of time. I am sure none would mind spending hours playing Nintendo game, yet unwilling to spend quarter of that time reading or writing unless they have to. Games have good principles too, but it was not listed on the Gee article; here is what I think the good principles of the games are
1-games were made to kill your free time.
2-games are nothing but a relaxing tool.
3-games are harmless.
Therefore, I do not think that there is anything you can learn from a game, but playing it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


hey everyone, how you doing ? this is my second day of class and i am already board lol.