Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Gee Article

I have read the Gee article and I think it is impractical. Because games and school are two different fields, therefore, they are incomparable. In addition I do not think there is anything good you could learn from games, unless it is one of those vocabulary learning games, such as ‘Free Rice Game’ other than that it is nothing but a waste of time. I am sure none would mind spending hours playing Nintendo game, yet unwilling to spend quarter of that time reading or writing unless they have to. Games have good principles too, but it was not listed on the Gee article; here is what I think the good principles of the games are
1-games were made to kill your free time.
2-games are nothing but a relaxing tool.
3-games are harmless.
Therefore, I do not think that there is anything you can learn from a game, but playing it.


C. Jason Smith said...

Hmmm . . . you know games were originally all educational in the sense that "playing" was practice for being an adult. For example, the simple game of skipping rocks on a pond to see who is more accurate or who can throw farther is training for killing birds and small animals with rocks. "Hide and seek" is an essential hunters' skill (all predators play the game when they are little and then do it for real when they are adults). What about sports? People are always claiming they learn stuff from sports!

Shakti_Pal said...

Hey Gamil, I respect your opinion and interested by your ideas but I think that games are helpful and do in fact present a challenge for your mind and thinking. I think every game is a challenging and educational thing.

Shekira said...

i understand gamil..thanx...

Dereck.Garcia said...

Gamil, I respect your opinion but I don't think you are really looking at what you can learn. Even if it's something small you are learning. Games can really teach a lot. I don't know about you but as a child teachers let me play board games and what I learned from that was how to count. As you get older video games make you think more and actual can stimulate your mind. The make you think more than you expect them to. But what you said is true video games can help kill time and relax you. I think video games are harmless too but some people don't think so.